Calendar & Events

Learn how to schedule, update, and track events and activities like appointments, meeting, etc.

Calendar Overview

Onpipeline includes a calendar where you will store all your activities (Events). Each user (seat) has its own calendar (1 user = 1 calendar). An Event in the calendar can be a Task Call Email Meeting Deadline You can even create your own activities * The week start day can be customized from your account […]

Create (update) Events

When you create an event the first thing to do is to choose the event type (Task, Call, Email, Meeting, Deadline, etc.) Type – Task, call, email, meeting, deadline – You can create your own activities Title – This is the Event Name Day – If selected it creates a full day event (*) From/To […]

Event Status

There are 3 statuses for activities/calendar events: Upcoming: The event starts in the future. Past Event: The event started in the past. Overdue: The event started in the past but was not completed. Completed Activities To mark an event as completed, simply check the event. This moves past events from “overdue” to “past event”. There […]

Appointment Booking Page

Save time spent on making appointments over phone and emails with our online appointment booking software. Share a link to your calendar! This tool is connected to the user’s calendar (your calendar). This mainly means two things: The appointments that you enter in your calendar automatically remove the availability from the booking page. Bookings arriving […]

Calendar Gantt View

In the calendar section, there is a very useful Gantt view (a graphical representation of activity against time) if you schedule tasks over a period and want to assess the commitment. The team leaders can check or add activities on their team’s calendars. Don’t forget that you can categorize activities by creating new ones, which […]

Daily Agenda

Onpipeline automatically sends a personalized “Daily Agenda” Email to each user every day at 5AM, based on the user’s individual time zone. This reminder includes all the events that the user has scheduled for the day, such as meetings, calls, tasks, and other activities. The Daily Agenda is designed to help the users stay organized […]

Appointment Reminder (Email and SMS)

With onpipeline starting from the standard plan you can automatically send appointment reminders to the contact linked to the event. The set up is reserved for the administrator role. It is possible to set an email or SMS message for each type of event (phone calls and meetings), but also for the types of events […]

Hey! Virtual assistant

Hey! is a virtual assistant integrated into Onpipeline, providing real-time updates and guidance. It continuously tracks your progress, ensuring you never overlook important tasks, maintaining pipeline efficiency, and capitalizing on every opportunity. Think of Hey! as more than just AI – it’s powered by cutting-edge algorithms meticulously crafted by our skilled engineers. The result? A […]

Calendar Sync (Google, Microsoft Office 365)

With several different calendars there is the risk of missing an appointment. With Onpipeline you can connect to your Gmail or Microsoft Calendar in a 2-way replication. It means that you can add events to Onpipeline and find them on the connected Calendar and vice-versa. You can connect with your external calendar in Settings / […]

Calendly – Onpipeline Integration

What is Calendly? With Calendly you can make scheduling with your clients. You can increase your velocity by scheduling meetings with leads! With the Calendly integration, you can automatically: Create meetings in your Onpipeline calendar when clients schedule on Calendly. Update the calendar event on Onpipeline when a meeting is rescheduled or cancelled. Create the […]

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out!