Phone Calls

Learn how to log and track phone interactions within Onpipeline to improve customer engagement and experience.

Phone Calls Integration

Within Onpipeline phone number are automatically converted into links. Start phone calls with a single click and view the calls you made or received – including any call recording – automatically linked to the right person and deal. We integrate with some of the leading cloud-based call centers. You can use providers or SIP-based phone […]

Aircall Call Center

Get rid of  data entry after phone calls. Sales reps save time with automatic call logging and quick access to the Deal or Contact page. You can start your calls by clicking on phone numbers in Onpipeline or directly from the App. All calls are automatically logged in the Tel tab along with key details […]

Cloudtalk Call Center

CloudTalk is a cloud-based phone system solution the you can integrate with Onpipeline. Cloudtalk offers advanced features,international numbers, SMS, call recordings, click-to-call, call routing, etc. We sync all your contact into Cloudtalk every hour. Every call, including notes, is synchronized with contacts and deals almost in real time. Click-to-Call to easily initiate calls with a single […]

Justcall Call Center

Justcall is a cloud-based phone system solution the you can integrate with Onpipeline. Justcall offers great features,international numbers, call recordings, click-to-call, call routing, etc. We sync all your contacts into Justcall every hour. Every call, including notes, is synchronized with contacts and deals almost in real time. Click-to-Call to easily initiate calls with a single click […]

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out!